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The Best Mouse Repellent is Preventing an Infestation

No one wants mice inside your home or office. They are a year-round pest that can cause a lot of problems, from structural damage, to feces, to ruined goods and products; mice are not a welcome site inside any building that isn’t a pet store.

While mice can be driven indoors in the winter, they are still common in the summer and spring. The common mouse can come in brown, grey, or nearly black, with lighter fur on their bellies. With their tails, they can be as long as 20 cm fully grown. The best mouse repellent is to prevent them from coming into your home in the first place.

Mice can squeeze through very small holes, smaller than you think they would be able to fit through, so ensuring that your house is physically secure can be difficult. All holes should be filled in or covered, and food such as pet food, or bulk dried food should be stored in sealed, airtight containers. Leaving your garbage and compost bins near your house can also be an easy way for mice to be attracted to your home, which makes it more probable that they will find a way inside. All plants, trees, shrubs, and bushes should be trimmed away from the house if possible, which will prevent any mice living outdoors from using their natural homes as bridges into yours.

If you think you have a mouse problem, it is important to act quickly. The best mouse repellent in an active infestation is to call in professional pest removal services. Mice droppings and urine can be very dangerous. Their droppings look like chocolate sprinkles, thin rods with points at the ends, which, to very small children, can look like candy on the ground. Dried mouse poop can cause serious health concerns that can spread to humans.

While largely uncommon in urban areas and cities, deer mice, or field mice are the most dangerous to humans, if their dried stools and urine are inhaled. They are often found in rural country areas rather than cities; however every mouse problem should be treated with the same level of caution.

Deer mice look like deer in colour, fawn or light brown with white spots, and they have larger ears. Deer mice can carry hantavirus, which is very dangerous, although transmission in Canada is rare. Hantavirus can be contracted through saliva, urine, or droppings, which is generally inhaled as dust when it is dried. If you think you have a deer mouse infestation, cleanup must be handled with extreme caution, and by professional exterminators.

Where food is present, there is a possibility for mice. The best mouse repellent can be bait traps, with peanut butter or another sticky food used to lure mice in. Cheese is not the best bait, as it shrinks when it dries. Mice are quick, and can grab the cheese without setting off the trap. Peanut butter is sticky, and will attract mice just as much, if not more than cheese.

Preventing mice from entering your home or business is as important as dealing with an infestation quickly and effectively. Often, the cost of paying pest control services can outweigh the property damages, or damages to reputation that can happen if customers see mice in businesses.

While many people are opposed to traps or mouse repellent that is chemically based, many pest control experts know safe and humane ways to handle mice. It is important to think of the long-term effects of whatever mouse repellent you use, which is why contacting a professional service is always a good idea.

Facebook headline: Prevent a mouse coming into your house with these easy steps.